Festival Internacional de Blues en La Herradura

28 y 29 de Junio 2024

Festival Internacional de Blues en La Herradura

28 y 29 de Junio 2024

DJ 'Elmore Sanchez'


60 minutos antes de la música en vivo, tendremos al DJ ‘Elmore Sanchez’ tocando vinilos para ponerte de humor.

Bebidas y Comida

Barra en la plaza

Habrá un bar en la plaza que venderá bebidas y una gran selección de comida, incluida paella, si llegas con suficiente antelación.

Asientos Limitados


Habrán asientos para escuchar los conciertos, pero llegue temprano si quiere ocupar alguno

¡Conciertos con entrada libre hasta completar aforo!

La primera edición del esperado Festival Internacional de Blues de La Herradura se crea con la ambición de convertirse en un referente para la música blues, siguiendo la tradición y la destacada trayectoria de su creador, quien durante ocho años lideró el exitoso Festival de Blues de Mijas. Este evento busca su éxito al fusionar talentosos artistas del blues con promesas locales y reconocidos músicos internacionales consolidados.



unique services

Our specializations

Registration of land documents

Our specialists will calculate the cost of the selected works for you, as well as answer additional questions.

Production of houses for every taste

We value our reputation, so we treat each order responsibly and achieve the highest possible results.

Renovation of a house or apartment

You always know what you are paying for: the estimate shows the cost of all work, without hidden fees.


We regularly expand the range of services to make cooperation with us as comfortable and easy as possible for our clients.

Cosmetic repairs

from $150 / m²
  • Plastering of walls;
  • Replacement of lamps;
  • Floor sanding;
  • Painting the facade.
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Major repairs

from $270 / m²
  • Dismantling of old coatings;
  • Replanning;
  • Replacement electrician;
  • Laying tiles.
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House construction

from $540 / m²
  • Registration of documents;
  • Foundation filling;
  • Construction of walls;
  • Finishing works.
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Design project

from $380 / m²
  • Analysis of your needs;
  • Creating a 3D project;
  • The selection of furniture;
  • The finish work.
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Log house

from $190 / m²
  • Selection of location;
  • Creating a layout;
  • Tree selection;
  • House construction.
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Frame house

from $850 / m²
  • Choosing the best solution;
  • Making a guarantee;
  • Free delivery;
  • The finish work.
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Garbage disposal

from $100 / m²
  • House cleaning;
  • Garbage collection in yard;
  • Burying of ditches and pits;
  • Garbage disposal.
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our portfolio

Type of work

The staff of our company is fully equipped with qualified builders, designers, engineers, tile makers. All have extensive experience in successful implementation of various projects.

Thermal insulation
from $75 / m²

Thermal insulation

Replacement and improvement of thermal insulation in your home or apartment. Installation of a floor or air heating system according to modern technologies and quality standards.

Installing windows
from $190 / m²

Installing windows

We will help you choose suitable Windows by type of material. We install only high-quality double-glazed Windows from leading brands. Install the Windows carefully and do not leave any garbage behind.

Installation door
from $235 / m²

Installation roof

We have many years of experience installing roofs. We offer our clients a wide range of materials, both traditional and innovative. We will install the cover in a short time and reliably.

Fireplace construction
from $280 / m²

Fireplace construction

We will develop an individual project with a fireplace according to your wishes. We’ll take care of all the documents. We will make a hole in the roof and install your new fireplace, and remove all the garbage.

House foundation
from $400 / m²

House foundation

We will develop the project and settle all questions about the documents. We will prepare a plot for strengthening the land. We will build a reliable Foundation that will last for many years and will be resistant to earthquakes.

Installation roof
from $235 / m²

Installation roof

We have many years of experience installing roofs. We offer our clients a wide range of materials, both traditional and innovative. We will install the cover in a short time and reliably.

before after

How we work


Finding out needs

Our specialists will calculate the cost of the selected works for you, as additional questions.

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Developing a project

We successfully select solutions for our clients that best suit their budget.

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Building a dream

We value our reputation, so we treat each order responsibly and achieve results.

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Our skills

Our range of services is very large, and we are constantly expanding it. Starting from the creation of an architectural project and design and ending with its implementation. We do both internal and external repairs.

Exterior 86 %
Interior 72 %
Layout 65 %
Design 78 %


of best specialists

Team member

The staff of our company is fully equipped with qualified builders, designers, engineers, tile makers. All have extensive experience in successful implementation of various projects.

Oliver Johnson CEO Company
Amanda Fox Architect
David Pattinson Foreman
Emily Theron Engineer
Jacob Clooney Engineer
Rectangle 726(2)
Robert Wilson Builder


Our team consists only of highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience in the field of construction and repairs.

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logo puerto de motril
Patrocinadores 4
Patrocinadores 3
Logo Cumbre Villas

Del creador del exitoso Festival de Blues de Mijas, llega La Herradura Blues Festival. Prepárate para vivir la auténtica esencia del blues internacional en la vibrante atmósfera de la Costa Granadina en este nuevo capítulo musical con talento nacional, europeo e internacional.  Vive momentos memorables entre el mar y las montañas de Granada en Junio 2024.

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